Printers don’t have any other alternative gadget to document all the important transactions. With regular usage of printers, facing some problems is common. You might be unaware of the exact issues you face. Reading ahead will definitely help you get familiar with some common problems you face. Some of the issues arise due to the untimely replacement of cartridges.
You should be aware of the current status of the cartridge inserted to avoid major issues. You can purchase good quality and genuine cartridges online at CartridgeMate. It comprises of all the major brands like Fuji Xerox toner cartridges, Apple, Brother, Canon, Citizen etc. Replacing the old cartridge timely would give a smooth printing experience and will increase the durability of the printer.
LOW INK WARNING – At least once while using a printer, you must have been notified about low ink. The printers now have become so advanced that prior alert of low ink is a basic feature. This feature is basically provided just to give reasonable time to refill or replace the cartridge in time. Untimely replacement and commanding to print in low ink level can cause harm to the printer.
PAPER JAMS – It is one of the most common issues while using printers. You may face a dual problem in this case. Firstly, the paper gets stuck in the rollers and secondly, rollers of the printer draw two or more sheets simultaneously. If you often face paper jams, then it means the alignment of the reams is not proper or you might be loading up the tray with too many sheets. If your printer draws too many sheets simultaneously, there might be chances of a problem with the quality of sheets.
LOW-SPEED PRINTING – This problem is often seen in printers but there are reasons for such a problem. Primarily, you should switch the high-quality print settings to low-quality print settings. You may also uncheck the automatic duplex setting. Duplex settings will surely consume some time since they require each paper to flip while printing.
SUPERSEDED IMAGE – You might have often witnessed a slight image of the last print in the latest print taken out. This problem is referred as ‘’ghosting’’ in the printing industry. Generally, such problem arises when the ink kit of the printer or its drum is getting obsolete or old. The best way to solve this issue is calling a printer repair service and getting the problematic part replaced.
We hope reading above would have made you familiar with the common problems people face while using printers. Therefore, it will be now relatively easier for you to solve such issues. Moreover, many other problems can also arise due to low ink levels. So, do remember to replace cartridge whenever required.
Empty cartridges or any ink leakage can harm other adjacent parts causing major problems. Visit CartridgeMate to pick up quality cartridges like Fuji Xerox Toner cartridges at just a click of a button.
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